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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

MVMD Selactosol™ Interview

Mike and I had a chance to run through our media release this afternoon with Steve Darling from Proactive Investor.  It is short interview, but a great overview of the magnitude of MVMD’s new water solubilized selamectin breakthrough.

Understanding the potential implications of how Selactosol™ could be applied against tuberculosis is fascinating and it is just the tip of the iceberg to the broad applications we are pursuing.  TB is the number one infectious cause of death worldwide and impacts a quarter of the world’s population.  This is the type of impact that our technology at MVMD is squarely focused on!

Mountain Valley MD takes a major step forward achieving Solubilization of Selamectin.

Please take a few minutes to learn more here:


Dennis Hancock
President & CEO, Mountain Valley MD

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